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From Mild To Wild
Morning Glory (Heavenly Blue) & cannabis
Citation:   T-BONE. "From Mild To Wild: An Experience with Morning Glory (Heavenly Blue) & cannabis (exp28385)". Jun 10, 2007.

T+ 0:00
190 seeds oral Morning Glory (seeds)
  T+ 4:00 5 hits smoked Cannabis (plant material)
I was looking for legal hallucinogens and morning glory happened to catch my eye. I decided to order some untreated seeds from an internet source and give them a try. The only hallucinogen that I had done previously was mushrooms which was quite an adventure but didnt give me the opened eyed visuals that I was looking for. Acid has never been an option for me because I've chosen to stick to natural highs (plus its very hard to come by).

The setting is a friday in a college dorm. I finally got the seeds and began to count out the dosages for me and my friend 'G'. We had no other means to ingest them besides just chewing them up so thats what we did. I decided that I was going to respect the seeds and my general low tolerance for drugs and not eat more than 200 for the first time. 'G' however seems to have an extremely high tolerance to most drugs and decided to eat 350. He downed his 350 seeds by 5:30pm and I downed my 190 seeds by 6:00. 'G' didn't seem to mind the taste as much as me and just chowed down on all 350 with no problem. I, on the other hand, didn't enjoy the taste as much as he did. A trick that I learned to cover up the taste is just eat something that sticks in your teeth, cheeseits work, right before every handfull of seeds I eat. The seeds basically pick the food thats stuck in my teeth out and mixs with it. The taste of the food covers all taste of the seeds and they go down easy.

After about half an hour I begin to feel slight stomach cramps and I just feel really lazy so I lie down for a little. 'G' feels nothing at all. Throughout the first two hours I felt nothing but lazyness, sensitivity to light, and nausea, sometimes a little stronger than what I was expecting. It was all bearable though and by 8:00 the nausea was gone so I decided to get up. I walked to get some food with another friend and became VERY irritated by lights that would flicker. I was quite irritable in general but I couldn't figure out what was irritating me. I started to contemplate simple things but in this process I would make them infinantely complex and frustrate myslef.

By 9:00 I was definitely in an odd state of mind and somewhat questioning my sanity but nothing visual was occurring yet. 'G' was still feeling nothing and decided to go smoke a 1/4 oz blunt with some friends and me and my other friend went back to the room.

I stayed in this odd state of contemplation for a good hour and a half until I started to study the floor. I began to see shadow like patterns all over the carpet. The best word that I can use to describe them is somewhat 'midevil' vine patterns. This interested me but what I found really interesting was on different types of carpet, different sizes of the same pattern would appear. I was still in somewhat of a different state of mind however now I was too interested in the patterns to worry about anything else. This was all very mild and I still had total control over the trip but in no way would I suggest driving because my perception was way off.

It was 11:00 now and 'G' came back feeling nothing still (from the seeds at least). I was still seeing the same patterns and wondered if a few hits of weed would intensify the effects of the morning glory. So I packed up a bowl in my water bong, went to the bathroom, and began to take some hits. After the 5th hit I had to stop because I saw all kinds of little flashing dots and felt EXTREMELY high. I came out of the bathroom and sat down on the floor. There were a few other people in the room and they could all tell that something was up just by the look on my face.

Thats when it started. I saw the same patterns as before but they were very realistic and vivid. One of the people in the room was wearing a gray fleese sweater and I saw a skeleton design on it. I asked him if he had a skeleton on his shirt and he said no but it was so real that I could have sworn it was there. I looked at my friends see-through laundry basket and all the folds in the clothes began to take on different geometric shapes and move around. I saw skull or skeleton designs on every fabric that I looked at and they were all incredibly real. Then out of no where I was looking at the wall and a 3D hollagram colored skull appeared and spun around slowly and then dissappeared. I was suprisingly not frightened by all of these skulls and skeletons but more interested in their meaning.

When I closed my eyes, magnificent scenery would appear that is indescribable by any words. In this scenery there were indescribable objects flying towards me and then out into infinity. This was all incredibly intense and lasted from a little after 11:00pm until about 2:30am. At times I wished the intensity would just ease up a little but everything that I saw was so intriguing I didn't really mind. 'G' never did end up feeling anything besides some gas pains from the 350 seeds he ate.

I finally went to bed around 3 and the effects had eased up a little bit by then but still made it difficult to get to sleep. I I woke up the next morning at 10:30 and still didnt have all of my perception back. When I closed my eyes I still saw some flashing dots as well. Both of these lasted throughout the day but had no effect on anything I did that day.

This was an amazing expierence and the side effects were not intense enough to make it unenjoyable at all. The experience was very intense for quite a long time which might make some uncomfortable but I was surrounded by close friends so I felt secure. The weed was definitely the catalyst that made this experience go from mild to wild and I would highly suggest having some on hand while doing morning glory. I'm not sure what all of the skulls and skeletons meant but I do plan to try these seeds again and see if I can open that door. I saw a skeleton on mushrooms one time as well which puzzles me even more.

It still boggles my mind that 'G' felt nothing from the number of seeds he ate but that just goes to show that different people have different tolerances to different drugs.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 28385
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 10, 2007Views: 9,437
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Morning Glory (38), Cannabis (1) : First Times (2), Glowing Experiences (4), Hangover / Days After (46), Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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