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The Needle and the Damage Done
Hydromorphone (Dilaudid)
Citation:   Still Young. "The Needle and the Damage Done: An Experience with Hydromorphone (Dilaudid) (exp27297)". May 17, 2006.

  IV Hydromorphone
Opiates have always been my favorite, and always will, they have also been my greatest weakness as a person. I started out popping lortabs and darvocet at higher and higher doses, then oxycontin, tylox, etc. but once I found the needle the damage was done. My best friend began selling K4's (4mg Dilaudid) and I tried eating those. I had found my favorite opiate.

I had never been afraid of needles, but never had the guts to put one through my own skin. One night this year I found the courage to try, and ill never forget. I was used to taking 8 mg orally (two K4's) so I assumed I could handle the same dosage IV
I was amazed how easily the crushed tablets dissolved in water and filled up my 1cc insulin syringe. I used my right AC vein... it stuck out well and I slid the needle in without having to use a tourniquet. I had seen others do this before, so I pulled back on the plunger and watched the pale yellow liquid turn dark orange mixing with my blood. I quickly pushed it in and pulled the needle out.

I wasn't expecting the rush. I was looking at the small drop of blood coming out of my arm grow slowly and run down the side when it hit. first my arm felt hot, then my vision blurred and the room seemed to glow in dark way like it had been candlelit the whole time and someone hit the switch. I felt a wave of heat combined with a numbing bliss run up my spine, my neck and then over my scalp and into my face. this all happened within 10 seconds or so but time seemed to stand still. any bad thought, sensation of pain or discomfort melted into nowhere as I gasped and closed my eyes. I seemed to be in a womb of happiness and kind of a catatonic state for about I guess 10 or so more seconds then exhaled slowly and fully as the 'pins and needles' numb feeling extended into my chest and gut and out to my fingers and toes. better than an orgasm, if you ask me.

And the first time is always the best. But that wasn't the last time. I've become hooked and quit for awhile then started all over again I don't know how many times since then. I'd say I've spent well over $5000 in the past seven or eight months just on K4's. Sometimes I wish I'd never tried it and then I wouldn't have had this heavenly experience.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 27297
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 17, 2006Views: 36,205
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Hydromorphone (300) : Addiction & Habituation (10), Post Trip Problems (8), Glowing Experiences (4), Alone (16)

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