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It'll Be Okay in Lower Doses...
Citation:   t3en3y. "It'll Be Okay in Lower Doses...: An Experience with Caffeine (exp24387)". Oct 20, 2020.

480 mg oral Caffeine (pill / tablet)
  4000 mg oral Acetaminophen (pill / tablet)
    oral Caffeine (liquid)
Just this morning, I got my 'brilliant' idea of getting loaded on caffeine to make the school day go by in a blur.

I have taken heroin once before, DXM countless times, nutmeg, codeine, and a few other things. I am not very experienced in psychedelics.

Anyway, I had 8 midols left (each containing 60 mg of caffeine) and I bought a can of diet coke (45 mg) once I got to school and took the pills all at once. I was expecting a really pleasant euphoria, but that wasn't exactly what I got.

About 10 minutes later I felt a little bit how I expected to feel, but after less than 30 minutes I was dizzy and very nauseous. I couldn't concentrate on anything, I wasn't laughing or floating like I am on DXM, I just felt like shit. I couldn't stop shaking. I couldn't wait to crash.

I failed a math test because I couldn't focus, and even though my guts are made of steel I nearly threw up about 11-12 times.
It's been 7.5 hours since I've taken it and My legs still won't stop shaking. Next time I think I'm gonna try 200-300 mg instead.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 24387
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 20, 2020Views: 642
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Caffeine (11) : Difficult Experiences (5), School (35)

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