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A Crescendo of Intense Sensations
Citation:   Old Gaffer Gamgee. "A Crescendo of Intense Sensations: An Experience with 5-MeO-DiPT (exp2214)". Jun 27, 2000.

10 mg oral 5-MeO-DiPT (powder / crystals)
On a sudden and highly unusual impulse, Sam decided to take a day off of work and give himself a well-deserved rest. He indulged in a few chocolate-covered shortbread cookies with milk for lunch, and spent much of the afternoon napping. Around 3 pm, he felt the need for a few more calories and drank a small can of V8 juice, and quickly went back to dozing. Around 4:30 pm, he again woke up and polished off a half-pint of Ben N' Jerry's Vanilla ice cream. Rose returned around that time after a long day's work doing substitute teaching in a local elementary school. About 5 pm, on sudden inspiration, they decided to dip into some 5MeO-DIPT that had recently crossed their path. Discussing it together, they decided to assay 10mg of the material. Around 5:15 pm they mixed the 10mg into a small amount of fruit juice and downed it. The taste was nothing short of incredibly awful and took a little while and a lot more juice to dissipate. Within 20 minutes they could feel it coming on and relaxed into it. The effects peaked in about another 20 minutes, plateaued for about 3 hours, then gradually dissipated and they were back to baseline by about midnight.

Sam noticed that the material had some similarities to 5MeO-DMT. As a young man he was very fond of 5MeO-DMT, but as he has aged, the act of smoking has become aversive, and the effects have also changed quite dramatically for him. When younger, the material would induce an ecstatic trance state, with a discernable psychic heat wave that could be felt by nearby sensitive folks. In retrospect, he notes that his youthful sexual energy would pour over into the 5MeO-DMT state and make for an ecstatic charge to the experience - it was typically an enjoyable rush. Sam notes that as he has aged, and has moved the sexual energy up from the groin to the heart and higher chakras, his experience of 5MeO-DMT also changed to one marked more by physical discomfort than physical/mental ecstasis. He now finds 5MeO-DMT to be quite unpleasant. He greatly prefers 4-HO-DMT for its serene, spacious depth that resonates more profoundly with the opening of the higher chakras. 5MeO-DIPT, to Sam at least, had a powerful physiological edge to it not unlike some of the effects of 5MeO-DMT, but significantly more toned down and confined to the sensory level. Once the material began to come on, Sam and Rose both noted that his digestive system went into major overdrive, producing a long series of unusually loud churning noises. Interestingly, no discomfort was noted, but the sensations were nonetheless very intense. He soon felt the need to defecate. Though from an objective perspective this was a typical process, he found the subjective sensations to be extraordinarily intense. A similar account provided in TIHKAL would perhaps characterize what he went through. This material definitely puts one very much in the body and amplifies all physical sensations to a crescendo of intensity. The sensations were neither pleasant nor unpleasant, just incredibly intense. Things began to settle down somewhat after that. On the more positive side, Rose and Sam enjoyed conversation with one another and had an evening of wonderful laughter and good humor. Rose indicated that she liked the material better than 2c-b and found it quite sensual, which Sam also had to concede was true, notwithstanding what was to him the occasionally overwhelming intensity of the sensory domain. As the effects began to taper somewhat, Sam and Rose were lying in bed conversing, when an incredibly intense need to pass gas came upon Sam, who, without thinking and desparate for relief, quickly passed a series of five or six farts. The intensity of the relief, which was nothing short of ecstatic, was exceeded only by the intensity of the disgusting odor that immediately followed, which was nothing short of demonic! Doors and windows had to be opened and Rose fled the room, commenting upon her absolute amazement that something could smell so unbelievably foul. Sam attributed this to some interaction between the cookies, V8 and Ben N' Jerry's Vanilla Ice Cream and the accelerated digestive process the material initiated. Next time, he will take this material on an empty stomach after a day's fasting.

Reviewing one another's reactions to the material, Rose commented that she liked it, and would try it again. Sam notes that it is unique and that he perceives a definite overlap with some of the qualities of 5MeO-DMT, with the heat flash he associates with that material being toned down and somehow transferred into amplification of sensory experience. During the whole of the experience he was radiating an intense heat from his body, not unlike that induced by 5MeO-DMT, but again, a tad toned down. It certainly is a unique and intersting material that will be worth exploring further. Sam comments that he would really like to see the 4-HO substituted version, since 4-HO-DMT remains his all-time favorite tryptamine because it opens his inner world into Great Space, Great Time and Great Knowledge, in a more profound manner than any other material. The accounts of 4-HO-DIPT in TIHKAL are similarly intriguing.

Exp Year: ExpID: 2214
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 27, 2000Views: 28,527
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5-MeO-DiPT (57) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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