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A Bad Trip for Eight Years
Endogenous Substances
by Job
Citation:   Job. "A Bad Trip for Eight Years: An Experience with Endogenous Substances (exp2144)". Jun 26, 2000.

I was chillin in the hood one night when I suddenly became full of energy and adrenaline. I did not sleep for three nights. I started hallucinating and communicating telepathicaly with an unknown entities.

After the fourth day I was taken to the hospital in an ambulance. In the hospital I could not communicate with anyone. I just lay there with stars passing me by in my brain. Like they used to show on Star Trek. I also thought I was an IBM Proprinter.

They shot me full of Haldol. I almost choked to death due to the side effects of the Haldol. I crawled out of my bed into the hall and down the hall to the nurses station. They shot me up with benydryl, and I could breath again.

I have not been able to work full time for eight years due to the medication I have to take. It makes me exhausted. I have been on this bad trip for eight years.

Exp Year: 1995ExpID: 2144
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 26, 2000Views: 10,265
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Endogenous (86) : Health Problems (27), Bad Trips (6), Alone (16)

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