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If You Want a Vicious Hangover...
Citation:   Floyd F. "If You Want a Vicious Hangover...: An Experience with LSD, MDMA & GHB (exp19690)". Erowid.org. Dec 14, 2005. erowid.org/exp/19690

T+ 0:00
2 hits oral LSD (pill / tablet)
  T+ 3:00 1 tablet oral MDMA  
  T+ 13:30 3.0 g oral GHB  
  T+ 14:30 2.0 g oral GHB  
  T+ 15:30 1.0 g oral GHB  
So I had this dream....

I got up late on Saturday, and around 2:30pm, took two microdots of LSD (they're pretty weak) as is now my weekly ritual to reduce chronic pain from a collapsed hip. Unlike many of the tryptamines I have used in the past for this purpose, this gives me no loss of capacity during the time of primary effect, I can function perfectly well in public or even around family members (who are aware of my treatment because I have told them). It works very well, with some episodic twinges throughout the week that tend to get worse as time goes by, but they are generally tolerable.

I was talking to my friend D., and awhile later he dropped by to join me, and partook of 3 of the dots himself, as his tolerance is a bit higher. This was around 5:30, and I was already quite feeling the effects, which made conversation very fluid and good. At some point, we decided that the conversation could be further enhanced, by each taking a roll of MDMA (marquis, mecke and simon's tested). Checking my watch, it was now 6:20.

For the next five hours we talked a great deal about things that we had not discussed in many months, and reinforced our friendship enormously. Both of us felt it to have been a valuable experience.

At about 4am, being careless of the possible interactions after so much time had passed, I took approximately 3 grams of GHB, to sleep. I did not sleep, I felt almost nothing. An hour later, 2 more grams were consumed. I still did not sleep. Instead, my hip began hurting again, and I became very agitated. After getting up and walking around for awhile, the hip pain subsided, but I was clearly not going to sleep yet, so one more gram was taken another hour later.

My hip hurt, alot. I may have slept, a bit. I lost track of some time, but I was definitely waking up from the pain at regular intervals. Eventually, around 10am, I got up out of bed and was hit by a wave of dizziness and nausea. I vomited. This being now four hours after the last dose, it was unusual to be feeling this way. My hip felt much better, now. But any time I moved my head too abruptly, to the left and right or up and down, the world spun for seconds, or more accurately, seemed to oscillate like liquid in a shaken jar. By afternoon, I felt much better but some residue of the dizziness remained. Even as late as 3pm, when I was lying down and had to get up quickly to answer the phone, it hit me hard, I had to excuse myself to call back, and vomited again.

Later, I spoke with D. He'd also used the same combination, though with a much lower amount of the GHB, perhaps 3 grams total. He said he managed to sleep some, but was hit by severe nausea and dizziness as well, persisting into the next day.

I should point out that past combinations of various tryptamines or LSD and GHB without MDMA have proven without similarly severe negatives. I was too confident this time, and that was stupid.

Kids, don't mess up your dopamine with GHB after blasting your serotonin with MDMA. It's just not a good idea. Unless you *like* a wicked hangover.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 19690
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 14, 2005Views: 14,678
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MDMA (3), GHB (25) : Hangover / Days After (46), Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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