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It Sucked
Citation:   FormrTrippr. "It Sucked: An Experience with DMAE (exp18183)". Oct 14, 2002.

340 mg oral DMAE (powder / crystals)
Having been diagnosed with ADD, and unable to use Ritalin properly without becoming hopelessly addicted, I decided to try alternative methods of medicating myself.

I went to my local health food store, asking for DMAE, and after being questioned as to whether I was a cop (the stuff is illegal to sell in Canada), the guy reached under the counter and pulled out a bottle.

I got home and took a single pill as directed.

Basically, the effects i felt were:

- an unpleasant physical stimulation, like drinking way too much coffee

- slight nausea, chills, and sweating (I presume these are cholinergic side effects, as DMAE is supposed to raise levels of acetylcholine within the brain)

- a general feeling of 'sketchiness' similar to the comedown from MDMA or one of the amphetamines.

It's been three hours since I took the stuff, and the symptoms aren't getting any better.

Thousands of web sites sell this stuff, touting it as a 'smart drug'. I call it a complete waste of money, and will not be repeating this experience.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 18183
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 14, 2002Views: 24,701
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DMAE (151) : Not Applicable (38), General (1)

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