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Weird Dreams
Datura Stramonium Seeds
Citation:   Canicus. "Weird Dreams: An Experience with Datura Stramonium Seeds (exp13389)". May 22, 2002.

30 seeds oral Datura (seeds)
One time looking in my basement I had found a jar of seeds ( labelled 'White Trumpets' by my father.) I thought the seeds were a type of morning glory seed from my memory of when my father grew them several years before. A few weeks after finding the seeds I was looking in the Datura vault of and read how the plant grew through out north america, I then looked up some pictures of Datura plants on the internet. The picture I found showed a plant with blooms and developing seed pods, this plant looked exactly like the ones my Father grew years before. Eventually after evaluating all the pictures and info I had I waited for the time to eat the seeds. The seeds did not taste bad and had some dirt in them an that made them gritty.

I ate 30 of the 80 seeds I had and waited.

An hour after eating the seeds I was feeling quite peaceful and had forgotten I had eaten the seeds but soon I started feeling tired and went to my room to rest. I listened to the radio in my room and half an hour later my door seemed to take on more meaning, there appeared to be faces in the wood grain of my door. I soon fell asleep and woke up at 10 p.m. after two hours of sleep and I couldn't sleep for the rest of the night, I kept almost sleeping when I closed my eyes and I felt like I was at school talking to my friends they would say they had a joke to tell me but their speech became slurred and muffled, I would ask them to repeat what they said and they would muffle it again and then I woke up. This continued on for the whole night and was in no way unpleasant, I just wish I could have heard what they said. The only bad effects were the sleep deprivation and all writing was blurred the next day which was very frustrating.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 13389
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 22, 2002Views: 18,594
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Datura (15) : Entities / Beings (37), First Times (2), Alone (16)

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