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I Don't Like It
Blue Lily
Citation:   HansiHansdottir. "I Don't Like It: An Experience with Blue Lily (exp117291)". Sep 29, 2023.

  smoked Blue Lily (flowers)
I am a Cannabis user for over 20 years. I tried Blue Lily because people write it is similar to Cannabis and it helps with meditation. No it is not and it does not so. NOT AT ALL.

T +0 mins: I crushed half of a flower (not even 1 gram) with pestle and mortar and smoked it as a small joint. I used normal-sized thin rolling papers and a small filter made of cardboard. While smoking I already felt "something happen".

T +10 mins: Ok, something is definetely there but it reminds me not of cannabis but of alcohol. Ughh...I hate alcohol -.- dear Lord, don't make me puke pls <3

T +25 mins: Well, now I know why people write that Blue Lily goes well with wine... but what on Earth is wrong with those who write it is similar to cannabis??? Did they even consume cannabis in their life???!!! Was it really cannabis what they consumed???? Jesus...

T +30 mins: I have problems to write down this text. I can't concentrate at all and write the words wrong and have to correct every word that is a bit longer. For me the effects of smoking Blue Lily are absolutely comparable with being inebriated with alcohol minus the loss of control. The circling head feeling is definetely very very similar. Since I don't like alcohol at all (drank it as a teen, then had enough) this is not for me. Next time I try Blue Lily as a simple sleeping tea and hope the effects aren't as significant and "alc-like".

T +40 mins: I tried to meditate - forget it goes even worse than on cannabis.
T +40 mins: I tried to meditate - forget it goes even worse than on cannabis.
On cannabis I have at least deep insights about Buddhist questions but this Blue Lily impairs my brain totally like brain fog or a wooden board in front of me.

T +50 mins: Oh dear Buddhas, this Blue Lily is still effective and doesn't even think of subsiding.

T +55 mins: My face is beet red and I feel drunk like 1000 Russians minus the lose of control. I can still steer what I do but my head is circling. I write this text and scan documents. But I am really impaired...It reminds me of writing poems as a drunken teenager.

T +65 mins: Dear Buddha, finally I think it begins to subside. I think I counterattack my brain with a "reasonable" joint now, hope the Blue Lily subsides and abandon this experiment.

In conclusion: For me Blue Lily is very very similar to alcohol and not cannabis. I don't like the effect at all and won't smoke it again. I will try it as a tea before bedtime and hope I like it better.

Exp Year: 2023ExpID: 117291
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 40
Published: Sep 29, 2023Views: 15
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Blue Lily (637) : First Times (2), Alone (16)

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