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Machinescapes, Summoned a Minor Demon
Huasca Combo (Syrian Rue & M. tenuiflora)
Citation:   bpoap. "Machinescapes, Summoned a Minor Demon: An Experience with Huasca Combo (Syrian Rue & M. tenuiflora) (exp116936)". Jan 6, 2023.

T+ 0:00
3 g oral Syrian Rue (tea)
  T+ 0:20 5 g oral Mimosa tenuiflora (extract)
This documents yesterday's first successful ayahuasca trip. I've done two attempts before, ingesting the DMT and harmala at the same time, with little to no effects.

Prior psychedelic experiences: about a dozen LSD/LSD derivative trips, up to 400µg, 4-AcO-MET, shrooms, vapourized DMT extracted from phalaris, as well as various dissociatives.

Preparations: 3g Harmala seeds ground up and steeped in boiling hot water along with a teaspoon of ascorbic acid; 5g MHRB refluxed in about 100ml dilute acetic acid for a couple of hours, liquid decanted and set aside.

Setting: My flat on christmas eve, in a comfy armchair with foot rest in front of the computer. Heating blanket hung over the chair.
Setting: My flat on christmas eve, in a comfy armchair with foot rest in front of the computer. Heating blanket hung over the chair.

This trip report is based largely on what I wrote to my buddy (who sent me the MHRB) on steam, as well as my youtube watch history as my memory of the whole thing is slightly hazy. I kind of abused the steam chat as a trip journal.

T+0:00 - Drank the harmala "tea", including plant matter. Taste was tolerable.
T+0:20 - Drank the MHRB extract. Foul, lingering, sort of metallic taste that required a lot of water to get rid of.
T+0:40 - Visual effects begin to materialize, Wallpaper pattern begins snaking around, minor CEVs. Visual acuity greatly enhanced, I could make out every individual hair in my cat's fur.
T+1:00 - CEVs intensify, both digital and ancient at the same time; futuristic endless tunnel plastered with ancient runes.
T+1:10 - Glimpses of alternate timelines in my life start appearing parallel to the tunnel, think Interstellar ending but a lot less lucid. I'd like to delve deeper into this with a higher dose in the future.
Put on my favourite death metal album (Dismember - like an ever flowing stream).
T+1:30 - CEVs transform into endless intricate machinescapes, Meditation and focussing on controlled breathing make me lose contact to my body temporarily, fully immersing myself into the visuals. Could feel myself dissolving and becoming part of the cogs.

Changed music to Venetian Snares - Rossz csillag alatt született; Breakcore parts seemed more intricate than usual.

Open eyed vision became gradually more disconnected for a while, delved back into the machinescapes.

Could feel nausea creeping up and drank about half a litre of water to avoid dry heaving.

Puked. Mostly harmala plant matter.

T+2:00 - Put on Mayhem - De Mysteriis Dom Satanas (2nd wave black metal)

Laid out a pentagram of matches on a fireproof surface and put a small pinch of sulfur in the middle; ignited the sulfur and matches. Shortly after I could feel a minor demon entering my mind, it was enslaved and fully under my dominion, sorting things in the back of my head.

T+2:15 - Demon became uppity. Listened to an exorcism. Could feel the demon recoiling and screeching and slowly being dismembered. Laughed at the demon's suffering. Little shit shouldn't have started fucking with me.
T+2:30 - Peak was declining, put on a gy!be playlist and rode out the remainder of the trip to cathartic post rock crescendoes.
T+3:30 - pretty much back to baseline. Went to sleep shortly after.

Woke up six hours later with a splitting headache which I can't attribute to dehydration, as I drank a whole 2 litre bottle of water throughout the trip. Aspirin took care of it.

In retrospect the trip was primarily visual and mental, music was affected a lot less than say with LSD. Fully enjoyable and at no point challenging, worth revisiting with a higher MHRB dose in future.

Exp Year: 2022ExpID: 116936
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 25
Published: Jan 6, 2023Views: 223
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Syrian Rue (45), Mimosa tenuiflora (74), Huasca Combo (269) : Alone (16), Entities / Beings (37), Combinations (3)

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