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Totally Unaware of the Dangers of the Traffic
Citation:   a mother. "Totally Unaware of the Dangers of the Traffic: An Experience with Etizolam (exp116811)". Erowid.org. Nov 14, 2022. erowid.org/exp/116811

Death Caused by Etizolam

On November 23, 2021 we had two police officers ringing our doorbell at 3.30 AM to tell us that our son Mathias died instantly because he walked (yes walked!) in the middle of the highway and was hit by three cars.

Blood tests showed a very high dose of Etizolam (38 ug / ml). Apart from Etizolam Mathias had no other substances in his blood. No alcohol, no other drugs, nothing, just the Etizolam. The Etizolam itself was not the cause of his death but it made him unaware of the dangers of the traffic.

For some reason he decided to go for a walk (with his dog) in the middle of the night and for some reason beyond our understanding, he ended up walking in the middle of the highway, close to his home. As the emergency doctor explained to us later: he found himself in a very peaceful bubble, completely relaxed but totally unaware of the dangers of the traffic around him.

Camera footage shows him walking (stumbling) from the right all the way to the left lanes of the highway and back.
Camera footage shows him walking (stumbling) from the right all the way to the left lanes of the highway and back.
Trucks and cars are passing him on the right and left. Somewhere in the middle he got hit by a car and then another one and died instantly. Whilst still lying on the highway a third car drove over him, leaving his body so severely damaged that I was never allowed to see him again. I could not say goodbye to my son, he was in a closed coffin when I arrived a few hours later.

After his death I discovered (by talking to his friends) that he suffered from an Etizolam addiction since about six months. During the summer he managed to stop his intake completely, it took him about a month with severe withdrawal symptoms in the beginning but he managed and did not miss work for one day. But for some reason he took it again, nobody knows when he started again or for how long he took them.

He never told his mother about his addiction, as far as I knew he never took more than a joint and some party drugs. He was a happy and relaxed guy who worked with disabled people, lived in a community with friends and loved to travel and party. He showed no sign of any addiction at all.

What makes me so very angry is the easiness to obtain these pills: he just ordered them online, it did not even cost much and was delivered by mail the next day. I found all the orders back in his emails after his death.

Now I can only cry for my boy and shout out to the world: stay away from these pills. They seem innocent, a few hours of nice relaxation and chill, but can be deathly!

Exp Year: 2021ExpID: 116811
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 26
Published: Nov 14, 2022Views: 489
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Etizolam (568) : Alone (16), Second Hand Report (42), Addiction & Habituation (10), Train Wrecks & Trip Disasters (7)

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