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Afternoon Delight
Citation:   potion lover 5000. "Afternoon Delight: An Experience with Kratom (exp116667)". Nov 20, 2022.

T+ 0:00
6 g oral Kratom
  T+ 2:00 2 g oral Kratom
To preface this, I will say that I’m a regular psychedelics user and I don’t smoke weed. I haven’t for a long time, and it’s not something I really miss. This is my first experience with opioids of any kind as I’m currently interested in branching out of my regular arsenal of hallucinogens. I’ve been interested in kratom for a little bit after looking into its history of use in Southeast Asia and its status in the US, and it looks generally like a pretty chill time.

A friend and I ordered a couple bags of red Maeng Da kratom in loose leaf form off a reputable website to make tea with which arrived a day or so ago. Since we had a few hours of free time today, we made a plan to just try it out now. I’m coming into this with a clear mind and the kind of semester stress as students are wont to have.

T + 0:00
After finishing the coursework I needed to do in my friend’s dorm, we both decided it wouldn’t be a bad idea to unwind the afternoon from our classes in the room. I’m at baseline, nothing here besides a mild numbing sensation on the tongue. I had just finished my cup of tea. The bitterness was new to me but not altogether unsurprising; I’ve tasted worse. I’m settling in my chair, waiting for the plant to take hold of me.

T + 0:25
I’m feeling mildly hazy around the head and body, similar to a marijuana high but still keeping in touch with my lucidity. The only thing different is that it feels like I’m moving around just a bit slower, and I’m feeling a little anxious because I ate a tuna sandwich earlier and I’m hoping it won’t make me nauseous later on. There’s a warmth spreading through my limbs and imperceptible dots/prickles along my skin; it’s not unpleasant. My friend decides to put on some music here, some chill shit. It’s lovely.

T + 1:05
My whole body feels warm and the music is so pleasant. I’m sitting in a chair with a blanket draped over me, and I find that it’s very easy to just tip my head back and close my eyes. Neither me nor my friend are moving very much as of now. What I’m appreciating the most as of now is how clear my head feels—I like to have my wits about me, even if my body can’t comprehend it fully. My heart is beating faster than usual, but I’m chalking that up to the plant’s properties. I’m not feeling any nausea which I’m grateful for.

T + 1:30
More of the same, a sedative feeling that spreads through my body in slow, gentle waves. I toggle between scrolling mindlessly through social media or just closing my eyes and letting the sleepy feeling overtake me. There’s very slight nausea but it’s easy to ignore.

T + 2:00
At some point I come down and I feel myself start to return to baseline. It feels fast approaching. It’s normal for my comedowns to get here quickly and get me back to a much more sober state of mind than most people, but I find that I really enjoy the tranquilizing nature of kratom. I steep the same teabags in my cup again.

T + 2:30
The come-up is similar to the first and faster this time, hazy around the head and body but weaker this go-around. A pleasant rolling sensation passes through my body as I listen to the music and edit articles on my computer.

T + 3:10
At some point I leave my friend’s room to attend a club meeting, and as I leave, it feels that the plant’s effect is being stripped away from me almost like bark. Once I’m out of the building and walking outside, it feels like I’ve returned to baseline somewhat more rejuvenated. I like the feeling of the sun on my skin, and I’m very happy with how this first experience with kratom turned out.

Exp Year: 2022ExpID: 116667
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Nov 20, 2022Views: 453
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Kratom (203) : Small Group (2-9) (17), First Times (2)

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