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Far Beyond Coke-Bugs
Cocaine & Dimenhydrinate
Citation:   Fleming. "Far Beyond Coke-Bugs: An Experience with Cocaine & Dimenhydrinate (exp116120)". Mar 1, 2022.

  repeated insufflated Cocaine (powder / crystals)
    smoked Crack  
  300 - 400 mg oral Dimenhydrinate (pill / tablet)
A very long time ago (20+ years ago), I snorted nearly 4 grams of cocaine. I was awake for about three days, did my work (which involved a lot of travel), and socialized. I cooked some of it up into ghetto crack rock to smoke as well. When I finally ran out of coke, I was really jittery and exhausted so I decided to take some OTC sleeping pills as I didn't have access to benzos and I was too young to legally purchase alcohol at the time. I think I swallowed about 6 or 8 tablets of a dimenhydrinate-containing medicine, then I took a shower and tried to get some sleep. First I had an extreme case of the "coke bugs", where small "things" seemed to be zipping about beneath the skin of my arms. Coke bugs are a fairly common side-effect of strong stimulants, and I wrote the bugs off as an effect of sleep deprivation, and just closed my eyes.

Soon, I began to feel something much more substantial than an imaginary coke bug crawling on my stomach and chest. The "thing" had moving legs and a bit of weight to it, which were very clearly felt. I opened my eyes and looked down to see a large, moving thing underneath the covers. I threw off the sheets to see a HUGE tarantula crawling up my chest! Of course, I freaked out and switched on the lights - the giant spider disappeared. I told myself I was hallucinating and tried to calm myself down by breathing deeply, and turning the light off again. Then, I turned my head to see two more enormous tarantulas on the wall, just inches from my face! I grabbed a flashlight, shown it on the spiders and they dissolved. Then I looked up and saw two more crawling upside-down on a ventilation duct. By this point, my heart was flying out of my chest and I was beginning to realize that the hallucinations were probably being caused by the dimenhydrinate (exacerbated by the cocaine, lack of dopamine in my brain, and lack of sleep, of course). There was no turning back now, as I had already digested the pills...

Over the course of the next few hours, I continued to see these horrible, nightmarish arachnids. I tried various mental techniques - telling myself "this is not real and it will eventually be over", or imagining that the spiders were actually cute rabbits. I kept the flashlight in my hand and used it to immediately neutralize the tarantulas which continued to appear. Eventually I did get to sleep...

Coke is a bitch drug, and I was only using it at that time because my life was pretty crummy anyway - I haven't used it in years and don't plan on ever doing it again. I also gained a deeper respect for the dimenhydrinate. I had heard that people had insane trips on the stuff, but I didn't realize that the dose I'd taken was adequate to cause hallucinations. Perhaps if I took that dose today, it would only put me to sleep, but I don't feel like testing it out! I still take antihistamines, but only in very small doses...

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 116120
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Mar 1, 2022Views: 1,050
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Dimenhydrinate (17), Cocaine (13), AlphaStim100 (704) : Entities / Beings (37), Combinations (3), Alone (16)

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