Helpful Healing Ally
Citation:   WeAreGod. "Helpful Healing Ally: An Experience with Kratom (exp115850)". Nov 4, 2021.

1 Tbsp oral Kratom (daily)
Kratom, my every-day Healing Ally!

I first started using it a few years ago to help with Chronic Pain, Fatigue, Lack of Motivation, and Depression. It works very well for all of those things.

The first few months/year of me taking it were the most magical. (As with the honeymoon phase with any substance...) I remember being completely pain-free, almost numb. Completely relaxed and yet also energized too. When I would lay down and close my eyes, I would usually nod-off and have vivid Visions/Dreams.

I used to only limit myself to taking some one every few days or only when the pain was unbearable. Well, time went by and I eventually started taking Kratom every day during work. It boosted my productivity, motivation, and physical/mental stamina. However, if I take too much it will act as a sedative and actually make me quite unproductive.

When I take White Maeng-Da, it actually greatly enhances my sexuality & tactile pleasure... I've had such amazing sex using Kratom, but only with the right dosage & setting. If I take too much, it actually decreases my sex drive.

I've found it greatly enhances my athletic performance. I used to take it before exercise and it just makes exercise so much more pleasurable & satisfying. Actually, it makes me WANT to exercise & move.

The sweet spot for me is usually around 1tbsp. I would mix it into a bottle of Orange Juice, shake up, and chug. Sometimes I would put the Kratom powder into a cup with honey and pour hot water over it.

More recently, I've been using the "Toss-and-Wash" method of literally just putting the powder directly into my mouth. I actually hold it in my mouth for sometime to absorb the alkaloids sublingually/bucally.

I've taken extended tolerance breaks sometimes a few days, weeks, months... I know I can function & live without it. But I really do value its power for boosting motivation, increasing stamina, and relieving often unbearable pain. It is one of my favorite allys.

Now for the downside.

If I take too much, I will get nauseous, numb, detached, distant, unemotional, very irritable, angry, and if provoked cruel. These are all common Opiate side-effects. I've found my balance with it. I definitely notice far more benefits than disadvantages...

I thank god for this amazing Healing Plant!


Exp Year: 2017 - 2021ExpID: 115850
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Nov 4, 2021Views: 838
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Kratom (203) : Glowing Experiences (4), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Retrospective / Summary (11), Unknown Context (20)

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