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Curiosity With Great Results
Citation:   xPsyMushx. "Curiosity With Great Results: An Experience with BOH-2C-B (exp115691)". Sep 5, 2021.

67 - 70 mg oral BOH-2C-B (powder / crystals)
    repeated oral Coffee  
First of all sorry for my English..

Because there aren't many trip report about this substance I decided that I wrote one. Yesterday I ingested 67-70mg of bh-2c-b (scale was little jumpy because 4-ho-det damaged it but that's another story). I was tripping on 150mcg of LSD last week so take your opinion about tolerance but personally I trip every weekend (mostly on L nowadays) and I don't notice any tolerance whatsoever. I got a week off from work and I was feeling great. Timeline is almost precise and it goes like this:

14.30 I ingested 67mg-70mg of bohb wrapped in rolling paper.

15.00 First effects of the substance. No visuals yet but there were pleasant chills all over my body. This effect was most intense on my legs. No nausea present. I'm drinking strong unsugared black coffee as I usually do on psychs except shrooms. Drinking coffee is great with very intense coffee flavor.

17.00 I got first visuals. Everything is breathing and colors are more intense. And I noticed first side effect too (bruxism). I don't notice dilated pupils yet. I turned on some classical music. I was watching Mozart's piano concert performed by Yeol Eum Son and it was great. I never listened to classical music and I was astonished by it (I'm more of a rock, metal, psytrance, rap, blues.. guy).

18.20 I decided I'm going to watch a movie. I watch movie about Beethoven titled Immortal Beloved.

20.00 It felt like I'm watching a movie sober. Nothing special about it. No pronounced emotions and better understanding like on other psychs usually do. Very neutral headspace and there was not a hint of body load. It felt very clean. I decided to turn on some more of the classical music. I watching Yeol Eum Son again and yet again I'm amazed by her. She's playing piano so damn good. Visuals are more intense now and intensity was perfect. Not too much yet not too little.

22.00 I didn't want to mess the trip with anything I wanted to wait with the dinner but I couldn't handle hunger anymore so I went in the kitchen to find something I could eat. I decided I'll make some pancakes with nutella strawberries and ice-cream. Eating is great. Every bite is so damn tasty. I have a little headache.

22.30 The trip isn't changed I'm tripping as before maybe a little more because I'm not focused on hunger. I'm watching another movie. I watched Cast Away and this time I felt it. I felt it this time. I was easy scared by the thunder and sudden sounds.

00.00 I'm annoyed by a mosquito and I'm on the hunt.

00.20 I'm definitely not tripping about the mosquito because I saw it couple of times but I missed it. Between the search I noticed patterns on my wall. It looks like they are carved out and entire wall was covered by patterns. Patterns had very pronounced Christian cross in the middle.

00.40 The mosquito isn't dead yet. I put on headphones playing some blues. Music is still great. I can hear every sound very clearly.

01.00 I'm tired of blues I turn on some psytrance

01.20 I'm bored of psytrance I decided I'll watch another movie. I watched Rush Hour 2. Visuals have same intensity as I had at 20.20. My headache is more intense now but pain is coming in waves if that makes sense.

03.00 The headache is unbearable and I'm starting to get nauseous by it so I'm going to get some painkiller. The pain is like you missed a daily dose of coffee but way more intense. I took some and 20 min later the pain was gone and simultaneously came perspiration on my forehead like if the substance somehow turned off the cooling of the head.

03.30 I turned on another movie. It was Movie 43. I'm tired and I don't want to do anything else. I tried to get some sleep between the movie but I couldn't fall asleep. The bruxism and visuals are still present. Some of the CEV.

05.00 I'm just laying on my bed trying to sleep. My room is too hot. I opened the window to let cold fresh country air in. It felt great.

06.40 I still couldn't get some sleep I decided I'll make some coffee. Yet again is strong unsugared black coffee. Visuals are still present but not so intense as they were. Only little signs of moving in the sides of my view. And bruxism is coming in waves.

08.00 I'm meditating and fresh air is nicely cooling me. Only bruxism noticed at this point.

09.30 I'm very tired and sleepy. I give it another shot. I think I fall asleep in 5 min

14.30 I woke up. I'm little foggy. I think I didn't had enough of sleep.

Overall I think it is a great substance. I don't think it is the substance for chilling on the bed it's more for taking a trip in nature. It's very clear headed so I think it would be great to go to a party too. I can say I didn't feel any body load at that dose I think it's very easy on mind and body. Except for the headache I didn't noticed any other bad effects but I think even the headache could went away with some beer like I usually do on 2c-b-fly. I had very good trip on this substance yet I wasn't ready for such a long trip. Next time I'll do it in the morning so I can sleep next morning. I will definitely take it again but with different environment this time I wanted to be in safe environment because I didn't know the substance yet.

Exp Year: 2021ExpID: 115691
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 30
Published: Sep 5, 2021Views: 1,531
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BOH-2C-B (721) : Music Discussion (22), General (1), Alone (16)

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