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Daily for Severe Depression
Citation:   JasonBr. "Daily for Severe Depression: An Experience with DXM (exp114733)". Sep 12, 2023.

300 mg oral DXM
Depression runs in my family. In 2015, age 30, I was having a serious bout of suicidal depression and the pain was extreme. I could barely function. I tried many pharmaceuticals in the past such as Lexapro and Effexor, but I decided I needed more immediate action this time. It was just too painful.

I had experience with DXM in the past around 2010. During a previous depressive episode I came across DXM as a potential help for chemical imbalances. I started off very slowly, 50mgs, and spaced it out. Worked my way up to 300mgs about once a week and it was very pleasant and helped me get over it. I went through some changes during that time, and the changes were all positive for me personally.

Life continued to happen and that brings us to 2015 and I am suffering from a very very painful depression. I ordered over 50 boxes of Robitussin pure DXM. It was more expensive than other brands, but I spend as much as I can on health because health is important to me and I wanted to make sure the inactive ingredients were healthy.

I started to take DXM daily, and after two weeks of weening upwards I reached 300mgs a day. I continued to take 300mgs of DXM daily for two years. I never went over 300mgs. I would not say a tolerance built up, but I would say that the experience went through changes. In the early days I would be really "out there" but after a few months I was more "with it" while I was under the influence of the DXM. It took the pain of depression away almost immediately when I started to take it in 2015. I was so afraid of the pain returning, and enjoying the DXM, that I continued to take it every day for two years.

The biggest problems were motor coordination problems and judgement problems. When I was under the influence of DXM I tended to sit in my chair and read books. That kept me from doing anything that could be dangerous. But I learned a lot and grew a lot. I enjoyed the experience immensely.
I tended to sit in my chair and read books. That kept me from doing anything that could be dangerous. But I learned a lot and grew a lot. I enjoyed the experience immensely.

After two years I decided it was time to stop, but I knew that cold turkey could cause serious withdrawal symptoms. So I reduced the dose by 30mgs every three weeks until I was down to zero. I did have some minor withdrawal symptoms, but none of them were major. I have not noticed any permanent side effects from my DXM usage, other than the change in cognition.

Exp Year: 2015ExpID: 114733
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 30
Published: Sep 12, 2023Views: 122
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