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Alcohol & Bupropion
by Mush
Citation:   Mush. "Ouch: An Experience with Alcohol & Bupropion (exp114707)". Sep 4, 2020.

4 glasses oral Alcohol  
  75 mg insufflated Pharms - Bupropion (ground / crushed)

I was prescribed 150mg Wellbutrin. Bottle says Bupropion HCL, I think I have the XR formulation but I'm unsure. I read online that insufflated Wellbutrin is a prison high and can have differing effects for different people. I'm very curious about new drug experiences, so I decided to give this a try.

I've had about 4 drinks worth of alcohol. I have a liquor tolerance, but this is above comfortable driving for me. I would call myself tipsy at this point. I was alone and having a fun conversation in a group chat with friends. Overall in a great, if slightly manic and overconfident, mood.

I crushed my pill completely. It wasn't difficult with a knife, a lighter, and a dollar bill. I didn't remove any kind of coating; my pill was white and didn't seem to have any identifiable coating, but I could have been wrong and also put some kind of sealant up my nose. I cut the pill into two lines and snorted half of one in my left nostril.

Holy shit, the pain. I have railed terrible cocaine, caffeine pills, and MDMA and none of these were as painful as this. I intended to rail the entire 75mg line in my less blocked nostril, however I gasped and reeled halfway through the line because the immediate pain was blinding. I persevered, figuring that 37.5 mg wouldn't be enough to experience any high, and finished the line with my second nostril. Horrible pain again. I gave up and swept the second line into the garbage.

Pretty immediately, distracted by pain, I became pretty anxious. I felt my heart pounding, and I started to worry about seizures. I had read a bit that Bupropion can lower the seizure threshold, particularly when combined with alcohol. Seeing as I had consumed quite a bit of liquor in addition to my snorted 'Butrin, I panicked a bit about this. I was trying to find possible anticonvulsants that I might have at home but I found it difficult to focus and read. My thoughts were definitely racing. I wouldn't describe this as a panic attack. I was both thrilled and stressed. The effects were pleasant but the pain and my worry were a bit overwhelming.

+0:20: my fears about seizure subsided. I was sneezing uncontrollably and blowing my nose continuously. In an effort to avoid disturbing my roommates I went to a more secluded area and laid down to watch some TV. Pretty impossible to care about anything besides my sneezing/nose blowing fit.

+0:45: My nasal passage are quite blocked with mucus, but the sneezing has subsided and the pain is about a 2/10. The positive effects are very interesting -- I feel stimulated and euphoric, but in a unique way in comparison to other stimulants I've used. I feel tuned in, but I have difficulty focusing with intention. My senses are affected as well -- I have a sort of tunnel vision, sounds are slightly amplified, and my hands are pretty sensitive. I noticed a bit of time dilation too. I started a long video and every time I glance at my progress through the video I'm very surprised by how long it has been.

Overall, it's a pretty messy but pleasant set of effects, however the pain and nasal discomfort make it absolutely not worthwhile. I would not do this again, despite the intriguing effects. I may try boofing or parachuting a crushed pill in the future to avoid the nasal damage, but at this point the pain and blocked nose make this experience pretty shitty. Probably a 3/10.

Exp Year: 2020ExpID: 114707
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 23
Published: Sep 4, 2020Views: 1,113
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Alcohol (61), Pharms - Bupropion (87) : Alone (16), Combinations (3), First Times (2)

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