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It Really Didn't Impress Me Much
Citation:   BootsandCats. "It Really Didn't Impress Me Much: An Experience with 2-Methyl-AP-237 (exp114601)". Erowid.org. Jul 29, 2020. erowid.org/exp/114601

25 - 30 g oral Kratom (daily)
  80 - 150 mg oral 2-Methyl AP-237  
A Novel RC Opioid Worth Trying

I'm a fan of Research Chemicals. The idea of getting real drugs in the mail, purchased on the clearnet with a credit card is just too convenient for a power user like myself. However, out of the sea of endless benzo analogues and the occasional Methylphenidate derivative there is a clear void for opioids. This I attribute to the vast majority of potential RC opioids are direct analogues of Schedule I drugs, making them illegal by proxy due to the analogue act.

However onto this compound's experience. I am a daily Kratom user taking between 25-30 GPD of mid-grade powdered leaf. This gives me a tolerance where drugs like Codeine and Tramadol provide almost no effect whatsoever, and I need about 75-100mg of Morphine to be where I like, often more. 2MAP is purported to be nearly equipotent to morphine maybe slightly stronger. My research has concluded this to be correct.

4:00 PM: My plug the USPS man has just delivered the goods. I excitedly tear into it as I was currently in withdrawal. I took the day off of Kratom so that Kratom wouldn't be occupying my opioid receptors
I took the day off of Kratom so that Kratom wouldn't be occupying my opioid receptors
and stop the effects, like it does with so many other opioids. I use my very inadequate $20 head-shop scale to dose out what was likely 80-100mg (note don't use cheap scales when portioning out potent RC opioids, it's not smart). I capped it up and waited for effects.

4:30 PM: On an empty stomach (and even capped) this stuff comes on very quickly. I notice a familiar warmth and my nose has quit running from withdrawal.

4:45 PM: Wow, it feels to already be peaking. My nose and side of my face were incredibly itchy compared to the level of high that was present. If I'm that itchy it usually means I'm also nodding my brains out, about to pass out. But I was still very much lucid, only slightly sedated.

5:15 PM: High hasn't increased in intensity nor has it began to fade. I'm in a much more talkative mood and try and drum up some conversation with my family. I'm talking their heads off and generally feeling great, but they suspect nothing.

5:30 PM: The rush is showing signs of slowly petering out but the overall opiate body buzz is still very much present.

6:30: The real high and stoning feeling have subsided for the most part, but I'm left with an afterglow of sorts. I don't have the compulsive drive to re-dose, I'm quite happy just feeling like this. It's not sobriety, but I wouldn't say that I'm really still high. This compound remind me a lot of Methadone but with a more present stoning feeling the first 30 mins it kicks in and with much less sedation than Methadone offers. After the rush is gone the feeling I am left with it a general opioided state, but one that seems to really lack much Euphoria. Very similar to methadone in subjective effects. Too bad it doesn't have Methadone's half-life.

7:30 PM: Back to baseline for the most part. Not yet in withdrawal of any kind, but no perceivable opioid like effects.

My next few days were spent chasing highs with this stuff. It is extremely caustic when snorted and would make my nose bleed after almost every line (even lines as small as 50mg). I never experienced any gastrointestinal issues after oral dosing but who really knows what kinda damage it's causing. I went through 1,000mg in 4 days compulsively dosing around the clock. I'm amazed at how much it takes to really get me where I wanted (150mg). I guess the Kratom I've been taking is stronger and doing more for my receptors than I had ever imagined. Even dosing as high as 150mg, I not once really caught a nod. I did not find this to be a very sedating opioid
I did not find this to be a very sedating opioid
, it's more on the stimulating side like Oxycodone.

I might do this stuff again here and here, but the short half-life, causticity concerns, and just lacking high (it felt like I was taking a partial agonist) it really didn't impress me much. You'd think a cheap RC opioid so easy to get and has the strength of Oxy would be like a golden ticket, but I'm gonna save this one for special occasions. I think the tissue in my nose and stomach will thank me.

Exp Year: 2020ExpID: 114601
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 24
Published: Jul 29, 2020Views: 3,157
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2-Methyl AP-237 (900) : Unknown Context (20), Addiction & Habituation (10), Retrospective / Summary (11), First Times (2)

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