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Turned My Life Around For the Better After
Alcohol Withdrawal & Sleep Deprivation
by SliP
Citation:   SliP. "Turned My Life Around For the Better After: An Experience with Alcohol Withdrawal & Sleep Deprivation (exp114567)". Jul 15, 2020.

1000 - 2000 ml oral Alcohol - Hard (daily)
Craziest trip I had came from not being able to sleep due to alcohol addiction but not being able to find alcohol.

I was outside by a fence near some bamboo and other plants, taller trees. The experience came when the trees overhead started to manifest faces. These faces melted into each other and became demons who did their best to scare me but I was impervious to their terror which made them even more furious at me and they tried all the more to make me afraid of them. I was surrounded for what seemed like years by these grotesques beings, making no sound but the gnashing of the faces morphing they made that seemed to change many times a second never being anything but horror that seemed to me almost cartoonish in their attempts to hurt my mind and they knew they had no power. At this time my world turned black and I saw nothing but a speck of light which grew to the world that was formless and gray. Over millions of eons the world grew life then cities and beautiful works of art that I can not describe if I tried for my entire life. This amazing world was at once cupped in enormous hands and I felt a voice saying "If you follow me, you can have it all' but I understood it meant more than just material things, it meant contentment, a completeness I did not know existed so I agreed. Then I was in an ancient city made of earthen bricks and canvas. A massive creature that I at once knew was the thing trying to frighten before I met the voice was there at my feet, many times over my head and breathing a horrid stench into my eyes. It was around 18 feet tall, with a disjointed mouth like an alligator but very thin with teeth up to a foot tall. It was grayish purple like that of death flesh with it sharp bone protruding through at points on its back and chest that was sunk in yet very wide and melted into its head. It at once turned and began to tear apart the inhabitants of the peaceful city that soon ran fast with a river of blood, bodies, and parts of bodies.

The carnage was indescribable but I felt safe, detached from it all even though it was all around me. Then a new being appeared, a man wearing glowing white robes and a golden sash with a flaming sword who dispatched the creature without effort and restored the city to an even more beautiful place it had been with life and love and green growing flowers everywhere. He did not speak to me because He already had and I knew it was Jesus Christ. Before this I was very anti religion but knew the foundation of them all. This experience had me searching out more information about Jesus so I just began to pray to Him. I was homeless at this time but I was pray from things like a pair of shoes and I found an almost brand new pair of black shoes in my size that were just sitting there at the train station when before I was in sandals.

It was so bizarre but after this my life changed, I had no real desire to drink or use anymore but I had drank so much my body was ravaged and I had caused serious damage to the nerves in my body that caused horrible pain everywhere but my head. I was able to find treatment and a place I could use to build back my life that allowed me to dedicate some of my free time into learning more about Christ. His example has brought me a chance and I did what I had to to take advantage of that opportunity. It was very very difficult but I am 6 years sober and living on my own content in my place in life.
I am 6 years sober and living on my own content in my place in life.
The suffering did not end after I made the decision to change but that is life, life is supposed to be difficult and the suffering is supposed to teach you. I still have neuropathy but found medication that does not get more loaded and takes away the feelings of being eaten alive I felt everyday all day for so many years.

This experience was the most powerful thing I have ever had happen to me and it allowed my to take back control over my life by giving that life to Christ. To anyone still hurting and there are many many of you, God bless you.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 114567
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 28
Published: Jul 15, 2020Views: 1,085
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Alcohol - Hard (198), Sleep Deprivation (140) : Entities / Beings (37), Addiction & Habituation (10), Unknown Context (20)

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