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A Test From French
Citation:   ertaale. "A Test From French: An Experience with 2-Fluoroethamphetamine (exp113645)". Jan 2, 2020.

30 mg insufflated 2-Fluoroethamphetamine (powder / crystals)
I have some previous experience with stimulants such as MDMA, Ritalin, Modafinil (including Armodafinil and the other analogues). I have never ordered RCs before thus I did lots and lots of research online and decided for a Dutch vendor. Actually, I never intended to order 2-FEA, but it came as a free sample included in my order.

Preparation, set & setting: It was ordinary day and I was in school. Me and my friend with whom I ordered the RCs decided that we’d like to try the 2-FEA. Coincidentally, we had a test from French coming and we thought that it could help us focus and maybe get a better grade. We are kind of used to doing drugs in school (weed, dxm, benzos and others) so I wasn’t feeling stressed at all.
I wasn’t feeling stressed at all.
It was our first-time doing 2-FEA so we both snorted the little amount I could scoop up with the tip of my knife to do an allergy test.

T0:00 – I weighed out 30 mg doses for each of us. Then, I split my pile into two thin lines, rolled up a piece of paper and snorted both lines in quick succession, one in each of my nostrils. I immediately noticed the burn, but it wasn’t that bad. The only thing I have ever snorted before is tobacco and caffeine and I’d say that 2-FEA hurts definitely way less. The second thing I felt or rather smelled was the subtle sulphuric taste/smell as I have never encountered something like this before.

T0:05 – As I was weighing out some BOH-2C-B for my friend I feel the first effects coming up - a slight euphoric feeling (probably the serotonin release) and little heaviness in my legs.

T0:10 – When I’m done weighing, I get up from my chair and begin to gather my things for my French lesson. I can definitely feel the full-blown effects now. A subtle stimulation is present. It feels very natural and pleasant (unlike the one of modafinil which made me all jittery and constantly fiddle with something). There is also a tingling sensation in my legs. Sadly, the euphoria seems to have gone away but nevertheless, I’m in a good mood and feel motivated.

T0:30 – French begins. As the professor is handing out tests my heart starts to race even though I know the test is trivial. I manage to get my heartrate under control with some breathing practices and fill out the test at the same time. I also notice that my hands are really cold.

T0:35 – We’re done writing the test and my heart seems to finally have calmed. Then I taste the drip from the snorting. It’s fairly disgusting so I drink some water.

T1:05– It seems the effects have peaked. I am still stimulated but not in the same nature as before. In fact, I feel a little tired. The tingling sensation is still present, and I notice slight jaw clenching (not even comparable to MDMA).

T1:35 – I’m starting to come down.
T1:35 – I’m starting to come down.
Now, I can make out some of the side effects as slight vasoconstriction and fleeting joint pain. Some tiredness seems to set in.

T2:05– I leave the school feeling fairly sober and set out home. At this point, I’m not noticing any harsh come down effects.

Summary: Personally, I would consider 2-FEA more functional than recreational. It really did make me focused but not as much as Ritalin. The euphoria was only present in the come-up stage and in a very little manner. If I really wanted to get high, I would go for MDMA the same way that if I wanted to be focused and get some work done, I would take Ritalin. 2-FEA feels like a really subtle and way less potent blend of these two.

I will probably take it again but perhaps a bigger dose or in a combination with a different substance.

Exp Year: 2019ExpID: 113645
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Jan 2, 2020Views: 3,636
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2-Fluoroethamphetamine (895) : School (35), First Times (2)

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