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Has No Pleasurable Effects
Citation:   psychedelicequid. "Has No Pleasurable Effects: An Experience with Detomidine (exp112014)". Erowid.org. Oct 1, 2018. erowid.org/exp/112014

  sublingual Detomidine (liquid)
    rectal Detomidine (liquid)
Detomidine (Dormosedan Gel) Equine Sedative

I used the oromucosal gel and not the IV formulation. The gel is indicated for sublingual use and has approximately 7.6mg of detomidine hydrochloride per mL. In its pure form, it is a white powder that is water soluble. A 330-439lb horse should be given 1.00mL, so I used this to convert the dosage for my weight.

I had three different experiments with this drug.

FIRST TRIP: I dosed 1/4mL (about 1.9mg Detomidine) around 9:30PM. I took this sublingually, being sure not the swallow any. It took about 30min to feel any effects. I experienced tiredness, dizziness, slightly swollen eyes (burst a blood vessel), and diarrhea. In addition, the most noticeable was a decreased pulse and shallow breathing. In about 40min I went to my bed and gradually fell asleep without noticing. At 1:00AM I suddenly woke up. I felt energetic and could not fall asleep very easily. However, there were no ‘euphoric’ effects throughout the trip.

SECOND TRIP: This time I took 1/2mL (3.8mg) at 10:00PM. Same symptoms (increased a little), still no enjoyable effects. However, I was sedated a little quicker (30min). I woke up a little later this time, 3:00AM but could not return to sleep.

THIRD TRIP: This trip I did not mean to take Dormosedan but ended up administering if for its sedative affects. I took approximately 200mg Tramadol and had trouble falling asleep. I decided to dose 1/2mL rectally 6 hours after the Tramadol (3.8mg) at 11:00. At least in me, detomidine was much more potent rectally. It only took 15min to feel the effects and it was all I could muster to go from the shower to the bed. I do not remember going under (sedation), it must happen suddenly because the lights were on and the towel was still wrapped in my hair. This time I woke up at 5:00AM and could not fall asleep. However, this time I felt significantly ‘groggy’ and tired. I had a little drainage from my sinuses and my eyes were puffy.

IN CONCLUSION: I have determined (at least for my experience) that detomidine has no pleasurable effects (not even with opiates) and could maybe only be used to put myself to sleep if I were to have drug-induced insomnia. If you do decide to use detomidine, please pay extra attention to the dosages because of the risk for respiratory depression and tachycardia. From what I experienced and for these reasons, I would not recommend dormosedan gel for recreational use.

Exp Year: 2018ExpID: 112014
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Oct 1, 2018Views: 1,248
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Detomidine (869) : Alone (16), Retrospective / Summary (11), General (1)

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