Euphoric but Felt Like the Effects Were Dulled
Venlafaxine & Cocaine
Citation:   cattleherdermaiden. "Euphoric but Felt Like the Effects Were Dulled: An Experience with Venlafaxine & Cocaine (exp111799)". Apr 26, 2018.

75 mg oral Pharms - Venlafaxine (daily)
    repeated smoked Cannabis  
    repeated insufflated Cocaine (powder / crystals)
It was my 22nd birthday. I had gone for a nice birthday dinner with my friends and we had been smoking weed all night. Prior to this night, I had never done anything stronger than marijuana, however, my desire to experiment with other substances had become quite strong.

I had departed with my friend who we will call Blossom. Blossom and I decided to go an electronic visual art music show that was taking place at an underground art studio.

I am currently on Effexor 75mg for my major depression. While I was a bit hesitant to do anything other than marijuana I wanted to the night to be exciting. All of my friends are also on antidepressant medications (Lexapro) anti-psychotics such as Seroquel and have combined them with drugs with no problems at all.

My ex-partner who I will call Brandon and I had been texting back and forth. He was 4 blocks away from the venue and had cocaine on him. We made out and I could taste this chemical residue on his tongue. He asks if I wanna do a bump of cocaine. We briefly leave the venue and go outside around the corner of the venue to have some privacy.

Brandon pulls out a tiny baggie of white crystal power and uses a key to scoop a tiny bit of the substance. He lifts it underneath my right nostril and I hold down my left nostril and inhale deeply. The coke burned a little but it was tolerable. I felt very focused and alert. After a couple of minutes, the chemical drip started to come down the back of the throat which was really yucky.

We start making out on the bench outside the venue. I'm on top of him craddling him and kissing his face. He slaps my ass really hard and grins. I express to him how I'm feeling really aroused and would like to leave the venue to have sex. I went back inside the venue to say goodbye to Blossom and Brandon hailed a cab for us to go back to his place.

We did a couple more lines of coke inside his apartment made out passionately and he pulled down my pants and preceded with eating me out. I suddenly felt a wave of euphoria wash over my body it was similar to a weed high but I had stronger effects on marijuana. I do not know if my anti-depressant had something to do with it.

My heart was beating very fast and I felt very talkative and sexual. I felt very bold and daring. I expressed I wanted to have sex with my ex in public. In addition, I couldn't stop interrupting him while he was going down on me. I just wanted to have a conversation.
I couldn't stop interrupting him while he was going down on me. I just wanted to have a conversation.

Everything felt very speedy and flighty. I expressed that he has a beautiful jawbone and that he could do modelling. He told me that was a very sweet and nice thing for me to say. He confessed that he has never been told that before and that he had been approached by someone once to do modelling and he turned it down by saying that he had more things to do than be a model. I noticed that my ex was being a bit cocky, flippant and braggadocious. After he has finished eating me out for an hour we tried to have sex however he was finding it difficult to maintain an erection so we let it go.

We continued to do a couple of lines off each other's bodies. I did one off his stomach and he did one off my tits. My face became numb on my right side.

We ended up smoking weed from his bong to help us go to sleep. We laid on his couch having in-depth conversations about life. I found out that he has been a vegetarian for a year and that he doesn't drink cows milk we discussed the fucked up inner workings of the industrial food complex. In addition, we talked about his family and his younger brothers. It was interesting to just be an in-depth conversation. I told him about my desire to want to dj.

We then went to his bedroom where we drank water and waiting to fall asleep. Brandon was able to sleep like a child perhaps because he took more bong hits than me. I, however, found it quite difficult to fall asleep despite smoking weed. My heart rate had reduced.

In the morning we had some more sex and I decided to nap for a bit after and leave. I felt very anxious by midday. I got home in time to take my Effexor pill which was able to take some of the edge off. After a couple of hours of taking my Effexor pill, I still wasn't able to shake the feelings of anxiety after the coke binge.
After a couple of hours of taking my Effexor pill, I still wasn't able to shake the feelings of anxiety after the coke binge.
I decided to take a 15 THC edible candy that I had which did the job.

Overall, cocaine to me was a bit overrated. The euphoria I experienced didn't happen immediately and it didn't last very long. I do not think it will become a habit-forming substance for me but I did find myself craving it days after I did it. I can see how people get addicted to it.

I would definitely do it again to spice up my night, however, I do not see it being an every weekend affair.

Exp Year: 2018ExpID: 111799
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 22
Published: Apr 26, 2018Views: 2,896
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Pharms - Venlafaxine (191), Cocaine (13) : First Times (2), Sex Discussion (14), Depression (15), Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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