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Full Blown Hallucinations
Citation:   Jake K. "Full Blown Hallucinations: An Experience with Diphenhydramine (exp111634)". Oct 7, 2020.

400 mg oral Diphenhydramine (pill / tablet)
It was about 8:30 p.m and I was still wondering whether to drink 16 benadryl pills (400 mg) or not. At last I thought what the heck and just drank all 16 of them. It took effect in less than half an hour, I remember getting really sleepy and heavy and barley being able to walk, I had a HARD time going upstairs to my room. When I was finally in bed the high was too strong and I didn't really know what to do or what not to do, I tried my cellphone but I couldn't even touch it, or look at it, everything was way too blurry. It felt like everything was spinning around and when I looked at the wall or anywhere I saw spirals spinning.

My sister was in the room with me and asked me if I needed the light or not, to which I managed to say no to, considering I could BARLEY talk and had a severe dry mouth. When she turned the light off is when things got REALLY freaky, I saw a group of persons of all ages sitting down on the floor arguing. I heard their voices inside my head though, there came a point where I wanted to join their conversation and randomly blurted out something and everyone that was sitting on the floor stopped talking and looked at me, they were faceless, this freaked me out. I scared the living daylights out of my sister and she asked me what was wrong? She asked me why I was talking alone and kept asking over and over 'Are you crazy?' Panic and fear took over me, and I lied and said that I was just too sleepy and was kind off daydreaming in a weird way, then she was speaking more but I could not make sense of what she was saying, it sounded like she was speaking to me in a foreign language and I laughed and laughed, I heard her tell me 'Why are you laughing like that? You sound like a maniac, stop it'.

I tried to control myself and pretended I was fine by scrolling and randomly clicking on my cellphone, after some time of not being able to sleep I just stared around at the room and saw the door open and my mom come inside, I knew if she knew I was in a drugged state I would be in deep shit so I turned over facing the wall and closed my eyes tight, I heard the footsteps leave but I never heard the door close, I later realized this was a hallucination. As I was staring at the wall I saw it open and it looked like it had a BIG hole, sort off like a tunnel, I wanted to go inside so I tried touching it but it dissapeared. Then I saw my 2 blankets standing up and form themselves into a monster, a big blanket monster and it was actually pretty creepy, I shut my eyes and tried to distract myself but my mind was empty and on my hand I felt something like a coackroach or a spider crawling on it. I tried to shove it away but it didn't go away, I was getting really freaked out by then, and I wanted to pee badly but when I tried standing up I saw blood stains on the floor and panicked even more. I tried snuggling and closing my eyes and after some time I really did fall asleep.

The next morning I felt light headed and dizzy, and I lasted like that for the whole day. In my experience it was really interesting and I would and will try it again, except maybe at a smaller dosage.

Exp Year: 2018ExpID: 111634
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Oct 7, 2020Views: 1,116
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Diphenhydramine (109) : Difficult Experiences (5), Hangover / Days After (46), General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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