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It's Not Worth the Nausea
Citation:   -Lemongrass-. "It's Not Worth the Nausea: An Experience with Diphenhydramine (exp110567)". Oct 30, 2018.

225 mg oral Diphenhydramine (pill / tablet)
  8 mg oral Caffeine (liquid)
Benadryl wasn't worth it for me. I felt extremely tired, I felt away from my body, and the few hallucinations I had weren't worth the side effects.

So, to get into the story, I took nine 25mg pills of diphenhydramine and washed them down with Brisk iced team (8 mg caffeine). I had a small breakfast and started walking to school. Now, I live pretty close to my school, but I was already feeling a little tired as I came up to my first period class. We were playing a vocab cup-stacking game, so I was sitting through most of class. I kept getting more tired. Then I looked at the tile floor. In my classroom, the tiles are mostly white, but there are green stripes. Well, as I stared at the floor, it got brighter. It would get brighter and brighter until the green stripe turned white. When I blinked, it went back to being normal. So I kept trying not to blink so I could see how bright it got. The bell rang after the activity ended, so I got out of my chair. If you've ever been swimming or biking for a long time, when your feet first hit the ground again, they feel very strange. They feel extremely heavy and clumsy. That's how my feet felt. The nausea set in during first period, too. There was a feeling in my stomach that I had a burp that was stuck, so I was trying to burp a lot. Also, when I tried to talk to someone in class, I felt that I couldn't talk at a regular volume. I wasn't dictating my words so I sounded like I was speaking quiet mush.

The other hallucinations I had were in 7th period. I really like these ones. The first one happened when I looked into the shadow cast by a desk on the floor. Mist was coming off of it. A thin layer of mist, almost like fog from dry ice, was on the area of the floor. It didn't go away when I blinked or moved my eyes. It just stayed there, and it was beautiful. I blew on it and it moved just like real life. The second one in 7th period was when the floor started moving under an empty desk. I stared at the floor and it started moving like some sort of liquid. I don't know how to describe it, but the best I can do is to say it looked like slow boiling water.

My last weird visuals were in 8th period. They weren't much. I stared at the wall and it got brighter, and then I looked at the floor in a dim room and saw this weird bubbly, smoky effect that looked like the inside of cake in an abstract shape.

Throughout the day, I had really bad nausea. My coordination was good, because somehow I managed to play the violin and sound good. Other things were that I felt dissociated with my body, almost like my body was trailing after wherever I went, but it was NOT an 'out of body spiritual experience' or any of that. I just felt very sick. By the end of the day, my friends were worrying about me and I felt stupid for A- making myself feel physically horrible, B- making my friends worried, and C- wasting my day, all for a couple hallucinations. I wouldn't even call it a trip. Thanks for reading and PLEASE don't do anything stupid that wastes your time.

Exp Year: 2017ExpID: 110567
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 14
Published: Oct 30, 2018Views: 968
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Diphenhydramine (109) : Difficult Experiences (5), School (35)

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