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Good Day Good Music Good Friend
Clonazolam & Cannabis
Citation:   proturdburglar47. "Good Day Good Music Good Friend: An Experience with Clonazolam & Cannabis (exp109961)". Feb 22, 2017.

  1 bowl smoked Cannabis
roughly .3 or .4 mg

0:05 - No joke I could already feel a change. Onset is very, very quick.

0:30 - Body temperature feels elevated. Temperature not actually measured. Conclusion drawn from looking in to a mirror and seeing how red my face was along with feeling warmer all over.

1:00 - Body temperature still elevated. Music is great. Being around friend increases euphoria. No anxiety, lowered inhibitions.

1:30 - Floaty feeling. Body temperature still elevated, but not as much. Maybe I'm just getting used to it? Either way, super relaxed feeling. I usually have zero self confidence but I seem to just generally not care whether someone likes me now or thinks I'm ugly or whatever.

1:45 - All effects still present. Keep getting side tracked just listening to music and thinking. No bad thoughts though.

Exp Year: 2017ExpID: 109961
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Feb 22, 2017Views: 3,626
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Clonazolam (686) : Combinations (3), Unknown Context (20)

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