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As a Kratom Alternative
Picralima nitida
Citation:   CoyoteFlash. "As a Kratom Alternative: An Experience with Picralima nitida (exp109544)". Erowid.org. Oct 10, 2022. erowid.org/exp/109544

4 g oral Picralima nitida (capsule)
Akuamma Seeds as a Kratom Alternative

I first heard of Akuamma seeds back when the DEA first announced its intent to ban Kratom. Because I had been using Kratom as a maintenance drug to keep off opiates for years, the idea that the government was just going to rip that away from me scared the hell out of me. I did not want to go back to popping pills every day, spending hundreds a week. I frantically researched different plants and alkaloids that could be used in a similar way to Kratom and came up with a few promising subjects, Akuamma seeds, Corydalis Yanhusuo, Incarvillea Sinensis and a few obscure Psychotria species: Colorata and Poeppigiana.

Finding Akuamma seeds was the easiest of them so I will focus on that for this report. I ordered the seeds from a reputable online dealer, it cost me about 10 $ +shipping for an ounce of seeds. They arrived in a few days and I ground them into a fine powder using an electric coffee grinder. I encapsulated about 4 grams of the seed powder, and took them on an empty stomach.

The way my Kratom dosing works, I usually need to take a dose as soon as I wake up or withdrawal symptoms start to occur, this morning I took my Akuamma seed capsules and within 10-20 minutes I could feel it starting to work. Within a half hour I felt just as if I had taken my morning dose of Kratom, completely fine. No withdrawals. Ready to start the day, no grogginess and nothing I could really call a high, either. I was thoroughly impressed.

Now, I did not use this stuff in place of Kratom all day, as I am not as familiar with it as I am with my Red Vein Bali, so it could have some issues I did not run into, so be cautious. I am not sure anyone really knows what the long term effects of taking them every day would be; but in all honesty it can’t be much worse than popping Norco and Fentanyl all day, for years.

The dose wore off in a couple of hours, I started to notice it around lunch time, when I would normally take my afternoon Kratom dose. For the rest of the day I used Kratom normally, and noticed no adverse effects.

Since this time I have taken it in smaller doses to alleviate pain and so far it is moderately effective, as effective as Codeine or Tylenol.

This stuff is insanely bitter, and the aftertaste sticks around for hours. It is better to encapsulate them, I can’t even imagine tossing and washing the powder down like Kratom. I generally tolerate bitter quite well but this is a new class entirely. Comparable to a strong cup of Calea or Wormwood tea in bitterness.

Exp Year: 2016ExpID: 109544
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 26
Published: Oct 10, 2022Views: 727
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Picralima nitida (886) : Retrospective / Summary (11), First Times (2), Alone (16)

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