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Eliminated Feelings of Anxiety Following a Binge
Crack & DXM
Citation:   hurts. "Eliminated Feelings of Anxiety Following a Binge: An Experience with Crack & DXM (exp109184)". Jan 22, 2020.

1 oz smoked Crack
  1800 mg oral DXM
DXM to Manage Crack Addiction

Let me say up front that crack is *extremely* dangerous. Probably, mixing with DXM makes crack even more ridiculously dangerous than it already is. But how exactly does a person stop using crack? It is incredibly addictive, the irresistible Siren caller of psychoactive drugs.

For me, the answer was (and is) DXM. It all started with trying me to find a way, not to stop using crack, but to just make the crack come-down/withdrawal less unpleasant. It turns out that, for me, DXM completely eliminated any feelings of anxiety following a crack binge. So, usually I would take DXM just before starting my last bag of crack
usually I would take DXM just before starting my last bag of crack
since it requires about 1-1.5 hours to start feeling DXM (and 2 full hours to peak).

After many times doing this---taking DXM as I finished smoking crack---it occurred to me that I actually had a lot more fun on DXM than I did on crack. Yes, the crack high is frighteningly powerful, but the DXM high is powerful in its own way, too. So, after a while, I found myself just using DXM, and not smoking crack at all.

Suffice it to say, DXM is absolutely amazing. It is a lot cheaper than crack, lasts far longer, and involves none of the paranoia, anxiety, or other negative feelings associated with crack. And obviously, it is much, *much* safer than crack, both from a health perspective and also from a legal perspective.

The one big obstacle to using DXM as a substitute for crack, IMO, is that DXM takes some significant getting used to. It is an acquired taste, so to speak. I fell in love with it.

Exp Year: 2016ExpID: 109184
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 36
Published: Jan 22, 2020Views: 1,539
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Crack (82), DXM (22) : Unknown Context (20), Addiction & Habituation (10), Combinations (3)

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