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Helps Curb the Worst Manic-psychotic Episodes
Citation:   Matty_C. "Helps Curb the Worst Manic-psychotic Episodes: An Experience with Quetiapine (exp108814)". Jul 14, 2016.

    Pharms - Quetiapine (daily)
Setting- Moved to small Texas town after psychological breakdown on many levels.

I was familiar with a small town that had a good accessible MHMR [Mental Health Mental Retardation center]. I had experience on the black market with seroquel, and found that it was the only thing that ever counteracted extreme bipolar mania. Mania that was very strong and did lead to many negative events to my life.

I was able to land a 100mg legal prescription through the MHMR, and knew that I finally had something to work with. I was able to free my energy during the day and go as far as I wanted through meditation and self inquiry without fear that I couldn't sleep at night. 100mg was very powerful while I had a low tolerance and was just as effective as 400mg was many months later.

I was able to work on manifesting positive energies in my energy bubble, where problems arose, and at night took the seroquel.

It always started with a terrible dragging down feeling, but it was comforting to know that the intense negative energies associated with the mental illness were weakening as well.
it was comforting to know that the intense negative energies associated with the mental illness were weakening as well.
I simply rode that wave, and after about 30 minutes became a wild pig, eating anything I allowed myself to. Usually a large bowl of popcorn, and then a large slice of cake and candy etc.
Watched t.v. and fell asleep with ease.

Each morning I woke up, it took awhile to get going, but rode out any drag and eventually found positive energy, as long as I remained focused on finding that energy. Usually sitting in a room comfortably focused, but intent only on finding the positive, with aid from spiritual books, and writing any helpful insights.

Yes, I ended up weighing 230 pounds. After about 7 months plateauing at 300mg a night, and did develop some periodic muscle twitches all over my body that could happen at anytime... but I eventually became confident enough in my ability to sustain positive life energy, that I weened myself off through my own intuition...

And guess what. Was able to somehow find a clearing that was free of all bipolar symptoms, particularly the intense unrelenting manias!!

My journey proceeds from here... but with great optimism of clearing remaining negative energetic phenomena... I give strong thanks to the makers of this drug in assisting me during a pivotal moment of my life. A drug that I found through many trials of others that never seemed to quell overwhelming intense mania. Not something I would ever take in the morning and expect to be productive during the day, or would ever take recreationally.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 108814
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 30
Published: Jul 14, 2016Views: 4,362
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Pharms - Quetiapine (273) : Medical Use (47), Alone (16)

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