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One of My Most Traumatic Experiences
Spice-Like Smoking Blends (Killer Gorilla)
Citation:   Britni Marie. "One of My Most Traumatic Experiences: An Experience with Spice-Like Smoking Blends (Killer Gorilla) (exp106889)". Jan 16, 2020.

  repeated smoked Products - Spice-Like Smoking Blends
It was the middle of the day and I came home cause I wasn't feeling well. I wanted to take a nap but I didn't feel tired enough so I took a small hit of this synthetic stuff my friend & her boyfriend gave me. I had smoked it before to help with sleep and it actually did what it's marketed to do, mimic the effects of real marijuana. But this time, something went wrong.

I immdiately felt it when I inhaled. I remember giggling and laying down. The next thing I know, my mind is racing. I can't focus on one thing. I know I'm asleep but I'm thinking I'm completely conscious and absoluetly terrified. My mind was racing from fearing that this is what it was like, dying.

I could not make sense of it. The visual hallucination began. It looked so real. What I first saw was the ceiling and my surroundings looping. Almost like a video feedback looping its frames. I was screaming and I immdiately see my mom rushing over to me and it kept looping into that. I was asking her questions like 'are you okay' and she would answer me but then I realized it wasn't changing.

So I asked more questions. 'am I okay'.. She would answer me. 'Is the cat okay'.. She answered me. It wasn't changing. It wouldn't stop. I thought I was dying and this was hell. I could feel myself getting physically exhausted from it so I attempted trying to go back sleep but the thing is, I didn't actually fall asleep at all. While still hallucinating, I could see the table next to me so I rolled off my bed and knocked it over. I was trying to get it to stop. I didn't think I was actually doing anything. I was crawling out of my room on my knees and I see my mom and my brother helping me up. The next thing I remember is sitting on the couch in my living room, my mom was standing above me, panicked and terrified like I was. I asked 'did I have a seizure' and she said no. I realized the hallucination stopped. My mother told me my face was as white as a sheet. I had no color in my face or lips. My grandfather was in the same room & he told me he was taking me to the hospital cause of how white my face was.

I have not smoked it since. I won't ever touch it again. To this day I still remember it perfectly.
To this day I still remember it perfectly.
It's very triggering for my anxiety which is why I'm shaking as I type this. Overall I'm somewhat glad to see other people that have been affected so negatively by this stuff because I know I am not alone. It's changed me. Mentally and emotionally. It made me want to die for awhile because it made me feel like I wasn't real.

Please continue raising awareness for this drug. People need to know how dangerous it is. I honestly feel lucky to be alive.

Exp Year: 2015ExpID: 106889
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Jan 16, 2020Views: 935
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Products - Spice-Like Smoking Blends (472) : Post Trip Problems (8), Difficult Experiences (5), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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