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Key Door Open Experience God
Citation:   P.Us.P.. "Key Door Open Experience God: An Experience with Methoxetamine (exp106834)". Mar 31, 2016.

  smoked Methoxetamine
As usual, I cleared the air of bad spirit in preparation for my encounter with pure enlightenment... I use the best incense that I could (NOT K2 or any other cannabinoids, but real actual incense) in order to open up my Sahasrara Chakra along with the vibration from a fan pointed away from me for added frequency manipulation, further tweaking the situation to my personal standards as much as I could, which is actually confirmed to be the highest at the particular instant anywhere in the Universe...

I place a measured 6-8mg spoon in my device, light up, and inhale deeply and breath out...I repeat until I feel THE difference, it comes on fast and strong, I maximize the experiment by allowing it to reach as deep and as far into the fabric of being, the fabric of existence as possible...when you become one with the God, you know feel see things and everything fruits and flowers as it should, communicate with it vice-versa...Illuminati is real, America is real, the WORLD is real, what is in the mirror is just a shadow which is also real, a Matrix system is real not far from 'The Matrix' if you are smart enough to read between lines...nevertheless, dedicate your life to God, to living, to living in the now to the highest and deepest degree and find out the truth of why we are all here...what comes around goes around, you can bet on it, but first, you need to distinguish the wave it will be riding in at the particular period in which you are balancing Yin-Yang...enjoy life people, open your eyes pay attention, everything is always in front of your face!

[Reported Dose: 5-10mg inhaled]

Exp Year: 2015ExpID: 106834
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 34
Published: Mar 31, 2016Views: 1,984
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Methoxetamine (527) : Mystical Experiences (9), Unknown Context (20)

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