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Crispy Fried Existence
Citation:   thefish. "Crispy Fried Existence: An Experience with DOM (exp103335)". Mar 20, 2019.

T+ 0:00
2.5 mg sublingual DOM (blotter / tab)
  T+ 0:35 2.5 mg sublingual DOM (blotter / tab)
T+00:00 I hadent eaten anything all day, and had just picked up an envelope from my P.O. Box, as anyone else ought do.
I had been expecting said package for a little while, so I was anxious to try the DOM I had just retrieved.
This is my first time on DOM so I took a little more than the low dose just for a try. Everything after t+01:00 is
Basically a speculation, but should be accurate. But as I write this I'm still going pretty strong

T+00:25 slight nausea, general upswing in mood. Some minor vision waves as well. And a little color enhancement.
Which is apparently odd for DOM. Definitely a + on the scale...

T+00:35 probably a less than wise decision, but I take the other half of the tab, total 5mg dose.

T+00:42 open eye visuals start, slow pulsing, and waving patterns appear, ability to type is impaired, but not to self edit.

T+00:55 no new updates, decided to eat some of my grandmothers breadsticks that I had also picked up from the mail.

T+01:00 and a cookie...

*t+01:20 sitting in the bathroom watching fractals swirl around on the walls, I looked into the mirror to check my pupils... Yea... Huge.
But what I also saw was an amazing spectical if colors and shapes all coming from what appeared to be warpaint on my face.

T+01:45 out of the bathroom I basically stumble past my roommate who is playing ps3. I'm fairly certian that he knows I'm on something...

T+02:30 I tried to sleep but I wound up lookning at my celing from about 180 different positions on my bed...

T+03:00 had to again venture to the refridgerator and there I found some of my tacobell, that was about a day or two old... Not proud, and am almost garunteed to regret that tomorrow... But I ate the 6 tacos left.

T+04:00?? I really dont remember much between t+03:00 and t+04:50

T+04:50 I'm nowhere near down, and I do actually remember what just happened... But it was pretty boring to write I can imagine...

T+05:00 still going and I'm now editing/adding/reconstructing the past 5 hours.

Over all, this was one of my favorite trips, and out of LSD, Mushrooms, and what ever else I'm forgeting... It has to be a top 3, right under mushrooms. But LSD is still on top! Always!

And I'm sorry for the sparceness, but this is a double first for me.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 103335
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Mar 20, 2019Views: 1,978
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DOM (20) : General (1), First Times (2), Unknown Context (20)

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