To My Dear Aunt Ethyl
by dcal
Citation:   dcal. "To My Dear Aunt Ethyl: An Experience with Ethylphenidate (exp103226)". Nov 12, 2015.

25 mg insufflated Ethylphenidate (powder / crystals)
Received a thin package containing 1g of supposed ethylphenidate powder. Smell is similar to cocaine. Slight burn when inhaled. Later caused marked congestion and runny nose.

-marked stimulation
-increased social interaction and the need to talk
-occasional headache
-jaw clenching

In short, the typical stimulant profile. I must say that I was am impressed with this chemical. I am gobsmacked as to its legality in my country (U.S). It is hard to find a dealer that ships to the states. The few that do require a large purchase which for most of us is unreasonable. The site I did ships as low as 1g (~$35). If I could list the site, I would. Anyway, I give this R.C. a 8.5/10.

One last note:
Like most stimulants, be prepared for a crash along with anxiety and insomnia. Have a depressant close by (I recommend a benzo, phenibut or other GABA analog to help mitigate these symptoms). As always, be safe.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 103226
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 34
Published: Nov 12, 2015Views: 2,569
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Ethylphenidate (563) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Unknown Context (20)

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