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I Feel Relaxed and Warm
Citation:   Timmy_the_Rubjub_man. "I Feel Relaxed and Warm: An Experience with Tea (exp103110)". May 29, 2018.

1 cup oral Tea (liquid)
Earl grey tea with milk

My normal cup of tea is filled about 3/4th the way up a normal sized mug. I seep it for 4 minutes in boiling water, then I fill it the rest of the way up with milk to cool it off. I then use my spoon to drink the tea until it is low enough to move to the couch. At this point I fell rather relaxed, and sightly warm in my stomach. I continue drinking the tea and after around five minutes my legs are starting to sweat a bit, and I am feeling very relaxed and warm. I do not want to move at all, just stare out of the window at the trees. I finish my tea and after about 3 more minutes the sweating stops, I still feel relaxed and warm for around 10 more minutes, after that just relaxed, but now want to get up and do stuff. One cup is enough to make me not feel groggy after just waking up, but doesn't make me energized.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 103110
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 16
Published: May 29, 2018Views: 1,694
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Tea (447) : Alone (16), General (1)

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