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Love, Time Stops
by nony
Citation:   nony. "Love, Time Stops: An Experience with Propofol (exp101290)". Oct 1, 2018.

  IV Pharms - Propofol (liquid)
So ive had the sad experience of this only when going under.. However, its largely circulated. This gets passed thoroughly in the Med. Office among co workers and peers in the field.. its said to be highly abusive for professionals,.. In either case, mostly attainable if one know someone who knows someone blah blah.

-It is intravenous, I believe.

This is kind of indescribable for me but also.. really unique as well.. This PUTS me out. It blacks me out totally. I am quite literally confused upon waking. Its a slow wake.. depends on the dose, but usually a good 30min. or less.

I literally dont know I passed out or woke up, or where I just were but it feels like 5 minutes ago and it feels like I literally reappeared. For me anyway. Been on it several times..

I dont actually take anything other than prescrip and never have so I wouldnt know what to compare to.

Once it burned really badly in my veins but my immune was low at the time.

It really feels like a block of time is gone.. It's a bit sensational and eerie too..
It really feels like a block of time is gone.. It's a bit sensational and eerie too..
. Quickest sleep.. longest.. I feel nothing.. My rest is better than anything and I'm not even sure if I slept.. hence it being addictive.. its supposed to knock one out not rest one but boy did it put me down. Also tricky .. my heart is weak but so far Ive been okay.. It can be mixed sometimes but not usually. Last time the burning was hell, the gas was turned up to knock me out.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 101290
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 1, 2018Views: 3,976
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Pharms - Propofol (490) : Hospital (36), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Medical Use (47), Glowing Experiences (4), Retrospective / Summary (11), General (1)

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