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Stunning Huichol Yarn Art
Donate $150 or more and get a beautiful Huichol yarn
painting, hand made by Huichol artists in Mexico.
They make fabulous gifts! (6, 8, 12 & 24 inch pieces available.)
Boosting Salvia divinorum with MAOI's

I have had good experiences smoking 50-75 mg of harmala extract (standard Syrian Rue acid/base technique) prior to smoking Salvia. It definitely boosted it by 2X and extended the later stages of the zone for me. I also noticed that my body relaxed into it and was more allowing of her grace with the tranquilizing effect of the harmala. Good mix for sure... ~1997

[Author's Note 2002: Looking back on this, I would describe it now with the term "synergistic", rather than "boost" or "potentiate". While the effects of the salvia felt stronger than S. divinorum alone, changing the experience and extending it, I would not say that it simply 'boosted' the effects.]
