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Newsgroups: alt.drugs
From: (Dave Gross)
Subject: Excerpt: Ergot Peptide Alkaloid Spectra of Claviceps-Infected Tall Fescue, Wheat, and Barley.
Message-ID: <>
Date: Wed, 27 Apr 94 01:01:10 GMT

I thought some of you might be interested in this:

Table excerpted from "Ergot Peptide Alkaloid Spectra of Claviceps-Infected Tall
Fescue, Wheat, and Barley" by James K. Porter, Charles W. Bacon, Ronald D.
Plattner, and Richard F. Arrendale.  J. Agric. Food Chem. 1987 (35) 359-361.

     Relative Percent Ergopeptide Alkaloids in the Crude Alkaloid Fraction
                            (Determined by MS/MS)

    alkaloid           [Claviceps purpurea grown on] fescue  barley   wheat
    ------------------------------------------------ ------  ------  ------
    ergotamine                                        35.80   48.96    9.59
    ergosine and Beta-ergosine                        26.96    3.77    1.97
    ergonine                                           0.11    0.14    none
    ergovaline                                         0.30    2.22    0.44
    ergostine                                          0.85    0.39    0.74
    ergoptine and Beta-ergotine                        0.18    0.10    0.17
    ergocornine                                        2.22    6.86    6.64
    ergocristine                                      30.65   27.72   75.77
    ergocryptine and Beta-ergocryptine                 2.95    9.85    4.67
    total (PDAB)                                       0.46    0.92    1.10
                                                       mg/g    mg/g    mg/g