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Dr Seuss Retires from the Circuit
Author Unknown
Archived by Erowid, 04/2001

I will not do that hit of E
Thank you, but it's not for me

I will not do it at a pub
I will not do it at a club

I will not do it while I'm dancing
I will not do it while romancing
I will not chew that little pill
Its bitter taste just makes me ill
I will not do it at Vizcaya
Nor in Ibiza en la playa

Not in Mykonos nor Montreal
Not Cherry 5 nor the Black Ball
I will not do it in Palm Springs
I told you I don't like those things
I will not do it at gay pride
It makes me feel too warm inside
I would not, could not during sex
I will not do that hit of X
I will not do it with a trick
Not if I need to use my dick

Even with a bump of K
I would not do it anyway

I do not like it when I roll
Not one bit, one bit at all

I will not do a mitsubishi
I told you no, just let me be

I will not do a calvin klein
I'd rather have a glass of wine

I will not do a microdot
They're fine for you, for me they're not
I haven't done one since the day
They were pure MDMA