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In the Shade of The Sun-Opener
Heimia salicifolia
Citation:   ==J@$0N==. "In the Shade of The Sun-Opener: An Experience with Heimia salicifolia (exp34881)". Jul 5, 2004.

20 g oral Heimia salicifolia (tea)
After learning of this relatively unexplored (in Western terms that is) auditory hallucinogen, I decided to try the agent myself, and procured a sample online. First attempts at vaporizing 5g of the dried leaves were futile due to the spongy fibres and poor contact with the vaporizer plate. I tried smoking 2 cigarettes of 5g each afterwards which only produced a sore throat making further dosing by this means unpleasant and I discontinued for the first day.

On the second day I decided to follow a traditional ritual preparation method and started by pouring 3 cups of hot water over 20 measured grams of dried leaves. The brew was well mixed then allowed to stand in direct sunlight for 6 hours. The brew was heated to simmering point and strained through a strainer and then paper filter to produce a deep yellow, clear liquid. This was further evaporated to leave 250ml of liquid. This I sweetened with 10g of sugar and smoothed with 20ml of milk. The resulting 'English-style' tea was quite palatable; somewhat similar to a strong blend of herbal tea, and produced no nausea. 20 minutes later a pleasant mild sedation followed which remained for 30 minutes. At 4 hours after ingestion a generalised myalgia developed which peaked at approximately 6 hours. It resembled the effects of an over-ambitious training work-out and involved almost every muscle, affecting mainly the pectoral, quadriceps, soleus and biceps but being experienced even in the fingers, throat, forehead and scalp. This gradually subsided over the next 24 hours.

Unless there is a different 'living' alkaloid in the fresh leaves of Heimia salicifolia, or that the traditional Aztec 'sinicuichi' is a combination of more than one plant species, I can find no psychoactive properties in this case. Considering the appearance of the disconcerting myalgia, I would not pursue the experiment at higher doses.
Entheogenic Activity: 0
Repeatabilty: 0
Abuse Potential: 0

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 34881
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 5, 2004Views: 29,834
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Heimia salicifolia (150) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Alone (16)

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