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Merging with the Night
Salvia divinorum (tincture)
Citation:   Mother Natures Son19. "Merging with the Night: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (tincture) (exp27573)". Mar 13, 2007.

3.5 ml oral Salvia divinorum (liquid)
I recently ordered 1 oz. of Salvia Divinorum Tincture after first experimenting with both the tincture and smoked leaves about 2 years ago. I personally find the tincture more rewarding than smoking Salvia Divinorum because the experience last longer, and there is more time to settle into the experience as it is coming on, and then integrate what has happened into consciousness as the experience is dissipating.

The salvia (or my initial anxiety) tends to first amplify my thoughts as if they are caught in a feedback loop, so the less I have going on in my mind the better. My most rewarding experiences take place when I have prepared for the experience by quieting my mind beforehand by meditating & relaxing.

I wanted to experiment with ingesting the Salvia as I was drifting off into sleep, so the other night, I tried 3.5 ml of undiluted Salvia after I had been laying in bed for about an hour, and was starting to doze off.

The stinging sensation in my mouth woke me up from my slumber. I hardly recall the transition into the experience. I remember feeling it beginning to come on, and the next thing I recall is transitioning back into 'myself' after having been lifted up and 'merging with the night'. The night was this massive, incredibly ancient and benign entity that I was allowed to open myself up into and become part of. It was like an unfolding. Part of me became the ocean waves crashing on the beach that I live nearby, under a magnificent moonlit sky. Words fail to describe the peaceful and serene feeling I experienced. I had an understanding that the essence of life and consciousness can be likened to the bubbles of water moving through the crashing waves and the sea foam. Water is the physical aspect of life, which encases itself around the spirit (likened to the air bubbles), breathing life into being. The two are in a constant dance, which we call life. The night entity could be likened to the water and waves, and my consciousness likened to a bubble in undulating night entity.

Waking back up into 'myself', I was able to transition back and forth between merging with the night, and experiencing 'myself' for a short time. This time, however, I had the unmistakable feeling that I was being observed by some completely alien entities even older than the night itself.

I felt as if I could further slip myself away from my body, and had a mental exercise, which I experienced as a physical exercise, stretching myself away from my body, starting at my head. It was a physical sensation. I had the feeling that with practice I could awaken myself up into a whole New World of experience, but at the moment I would be completely unprepared.

As the effects of the Salvia were dissipating everything in my life seemed to fall into place and lead up into this moment. Something greater than myself drew me into these circumstances and to live close to the ocean and wanted me to experience this. I then became aware (as in most of my Salvia experiences) of an entity, which is responsible for the Salvia, experience itself. The Salvia wants to perpetuate itself and be remembered. It is alive and has it’s own volition.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 27573
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 13, 2007Views: 15,837
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Salvia divinorum (44) : General (1), Alone (16)

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