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Stunning Huichol Yarn Art
Donate $150 or more and get a beautiful Huichol yarn
painting, hand made by Huichol artists in Mexico.
They make fabulous gifts! (6, 8, 12 & 24 inch pieces available.)
by Erowid, March 2001
In the last 2 years, there have been at least 2 (probably several more) reported seizures by US Drug Police of ayahuasca tea imported for use from South America by ayahuasca churches. Details about the seizures are scant partially because the groups want to avoid Big Media attention, but the ones we have reports from are in New Mexico (2001) and Oregon (2000). If anyone has any details about how the DEA and other Drug Police are handling these cases or any other known cases involving ayahuasca tea, please let us know.